
Sports Driving/A Complete Guide to Horse Driving Trials


Sports Driving/A Complete Guide to Horse Driving Trials by Amanda Saville
Sports driving is the driving equivalent of combined training. There is a dressage phase, cones (the equivalent of show jumping), and marathon (equating to cross-country). Accuracy is the key to all, but especially in the cones phase, where the driver must thread through a number of cones spaced barely wider than the wheel-span of the vehicle without knocking the tennis balls off the top of the cone. In the marathon phase, all sorts of hazards are posed: sharp turns, water, and other maneuvers, in which the presence of a knowledgeable person in the rear of the vehicle to act as “ballast” and guide is crucial. The book is divided into chapters on the horse, the equipment, technique and schooling, dressage and cones, the marathon, problems, competitions, and lastly, fun! Several appendices add valuable information for the reader contemplating getting into this growing sport.

Hardcover, 192 pages